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Thursday, 19 December 2013

43 facts about muas

SO, I was thinking of what to write about for the next post BUT I COULDN'T SEEM TO ABLE TO COME UP WITH ANYTHING and the last post was like a month ago.. And then tadaaa I came up with a BRIGHT IDEA- facts about me!!!! LOL just kidding about the bright idea it's actually just the simplest method to update my blog hehehehehehee boringgggg I KNOW RIGHT but yeah sadly, HERE GOES HAHA:

58. My sense of urgency is ZERO maybe minus but no plus HAHAHAHA


60. Is it WEIRD or WIERD 

61. I HATE HELLO KITTY!!!! no offense ;)

62. HI-5 TOO. Disliked it since young lol

63. Even at this age, I LOVE watching Barbie shows <3 Super glad that there are always new Barbie shows coming in OHYEAH

64. I don't watch those cartoon kind of movies UNLESS there's really no other movie or I'm bored or I'm forced to (BARBIE IS NOT CARTOON)

65. I'm blind without my spectacles or contacts...

66. I have ultra humongous appetite!!

67. And I'm always hungry...

68. On weekends/holidays, I have breakfast for lunch, lunch for dinner, and dinner for supper HOHOHO.

69. I can be A LITTLE pedo-ish sometimes when I see toddler boyboys *gives pedo face* :>

70. I hate it when people spit on the ground or anywhere IT'S SO DISGUSTING ughhh NOT COOL PEOPLE NOT COOL.

71. I literally go crazy when I see hot guys :> ♥

72. I prefer tomato base to cream base for pasta and spaghetti over any other things LOL

73. I don't like stuffed toys, unless they're REALLY REALLY BIG AND SOFT AND FLUFFY.

74. I sleep late, wake up late 

75. I haven't touched e-learning AT ALL HAHAHA damnit I'm so screwed.

76. I LOVE DOING CRAFTS! making cards and wrapping and tying and pasting and all these stuffs~ I have a big big carton filled with arts & craft stuffs whooop whoop!!!! ;)

77. I actually love gossiping >:) GOSSIP IS INTERESTING OKAY HAHA


79. If you see me with plasters, it's not because I have cuts or anything, but to actually act as 'barrier' so that I won't go scratching all the annoying mosquito bites lollllll

80. I don't know why, but I feel that putting plasters over cuts make the wounds heal less faster HAHAHAHA IS IT?!

81. If no one wakes me up, I can sleep for the wholeeeee 24 hours 



84. I can't stand the smell of the cigarettes ):< I GET SO ANNOYED when someone smokes IN MY FACE TSK. 

85. I eat curry with rice, not rice with curry ;)

86. I LOVE ECONS >:)

87. I don't like watching dramas / series that show those olden days LIKE LIKE those nonya kind or women wearing cheongsam kind or guys with plaits kind or idk how to describe HAHA can't appreciate those things...

88. I laugh too too easily HAHAHHAA LIKE REALLY

89. Dark chocolate > Any other chocolates!!

90. I'm damn gullible tskkk TRICK ME IF YOU DARE

91. ANDDD I can't differentiate sarcasm LOL

92. Absolutely detest going to crowded places!! Never fails to irritate the shit out of me D:<

93. I don't eat vegetables NOT EVEN ONE MUAHAHAHAAH okay maybe if you count those little spring onions in soups then I EAT ONE VEG ONLY

94. Recently I became a fan of EXO hehehehehe so hot ah theyyy :)

95. Navy blue and gold and maroon are my favourite colours!!

96. OHYA AND I can't swallow tablets D: even a panadol tablet I have to cut it into bits of pieces ewww then that bitter taste OMGG HELP

97. When I'm sick, I try to hide it from people cause I don't wanna be forced to take medication BECAUSE medication makes the illness worse (that's what I think la) :>

98. The best way to cure yourself of your sickness is to believe you're not sick ;) #wisewords #actonepro HAHAHAHAHA TRUE OKAY GUYS DON'T DOUBT ME!! But that is if the sickness is not the serious serious kind la HAHA.

99. What I seriously need now, is PE LESSONS and PTs and TRAININGS and AFTER SCHOOL GAMES cause I seriously seriously seriously think I'm eating too much during this holiday and not exercising and burning it all off noooooooooooooooooooooooo

100. I know 43 is an odd number but I just wanted to end this facts thing at 100 AHAHAHA THANKS FOR WATCHING GUYS LIKE MY VIDEO BELOW OR SUSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL! ;) okay lame hahahahah byeeee!

1 comment:

Annoymous said...
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