SO GUYS Friday was a day full of mixed feelings cause there were super GOOD :) stuffs and super BAD ): stuffs which happened..
After working on that pieces of s for the past months, my group finally completed it wooohoooo!! You know that feeling, when you submit something you had been working so hard for for such a long long longgg time, it's feels like a HUGE burden is lifted off your shoulders, like
HAHAHAHAHA. So anyways, it wouldn't have been like this if it weren't for my FANTABULOUS group mates LOVE YOU GUYS!!! ♥♥♥
HAHAHAHAHA. So anyways, it wouldn't have been like this if it weren't for my FANTABULOUS group mates LOVE YOU GUYS!!! ♥♥♥
Without these people, PW won't be fun anymore man, cause EVERYONE in my team are like really really really humorous! Thinking about it, our pw meetings are damn stress-free and relaxing and lively and silly!! We aren't the kind who can stay serious for a long time so after discussing for around 15 minutes we'll unknowingly start to change topic and gossip LOL. All the jokes and criticisms and complaints and scandals and bullshit HAHAHAHA BEST MAN. Comparing to other groups, I think mine's like the slackest HEHEHEHE BUT BUT BUT our WR not bad okay!!! HAHA. Goshh those meetings and skype sessions were all so cute!! MISS THOSE TIMES MAN.
Oh and after printing the final wr and burning the soft copy into a disc, we decided to take pictures with them HAHAHAHAH and being the jokers they all are, it really made that farewell to wr a super enjoyable & entertaining one!!
OUR WR TADAAAA give us a round of applause please HAHAHAHA kidding!
The picture with our final masterpiece!
And since Woeiting was absent from school and can't be in the group pic, HERE'S ONE DEDICATED TO HER HAHAA.
So anyways. here's a really BIGGGG THANKYOU TO YOU GUYS Karheng Naz Taewoong Woeiting!!! Even though the work and all the research and stuff were SUPER shitty WE MADE IT LIKE OHYEAH WHATS WR. HAHAHA We're almost done with crazy pw so let's jiayou and get the OP done and over with!!! LEGGO!!!
Awwww but I'm really gonna miss this period when it all ends... :')
Friday was also the Graduation day for the JC2s.
But apparently NO my friends don't agree with me and were actually glad cause it meant no more long queues during breaks and more space to play bball/soccer HAHAHAAHA BITCHHH MAN & I was the only one there like "NOOOOOO~ ): " It's like all the cute guys GONEEEEEE my eyecandies GONEEEEEE tskkk I don't know why but I just have this strange liking/admiration towards older guys HAHAHA. AND AS YOU KNOW, being the CRAZY Mabel who always LOVEE to look and fangirl over hot guys, IT KINDA SUCKED BIGGGG TIME with no more J2s. AND SO it may not mean much to you but it does to me kay HAHA!
ALSO, I was cooped up in some classroom doing pw while helplessly looking at the J2s leave~~ HAHAHAHAAHA kidding uhh but I did take pictures with a few of them!! :D
OHYA and after completing my wr I went to join my friends to play bvball at the court area AND I TELL YOU THAT PLACE FELT SO LIVELESS ahahahahah like really!!! ): and so empty somemore tskkk it was sho sho sho siannn max! But the mood was brightened up that evening by the soccer people I swear they're a bunch of hilarious playful guys HAHAHAHA!
BUT STILL IT'S KINDA SAD THAT J2S ARE GONE omggg next few weeks of emptiness and boredom how?!! HEHE
Sadly that can't be helped so... Happy Graduation peeps!! Study hard and tahan for another month or so & GOODLUCK FOR THE As!!! Even though I don't know many of the J2s well but thanks for making my JC life more exciting MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAA :>
LOL I saw this and it's kinda cute hahaa!
So here's ending the post on last Friday!! And damnit I'm STARVING again D:< craving for the food opposite yj yummmmm & am I the only soul who finds the food there nice?! And not forgetting to mention that their iced Milo is awesome too! RIGHT?!
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