TuneList - Make your site Live

Sunday, 25 August 2013


Hey guys so this is me enjoying my donut HHHAHAHHA.

LOL I look so dumb here but whateverrrr I MUST SHARE MY JOY YOU KNOW :>

ANDDDD I'll probably just end this donut post here.. cause I have nothing fascinating to talk about.. ):
OH OH OH!! Recently there's this #20factsaboutme stuff trending on Instagram! At first when I was tagged to do that I was like WHAAAAT~?! CAUSE IT SOUNDED SO LAME AND STUFF HEHE. BUTBUT after I tried it, it was actually damn fun!!! It took me quite a long time to think of 20 facts.. AND SO, it really made me thought more about myself & everything, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN HAHAHAH. And the sad thing is, after posting that 20 facts about me on Instagram, like a whole lot of my likes/dislikes/facts etc. just swept across my mind & I was like WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?! DAYUMMM. HAHAA so to continue this 'fun' I might prob just post a 20FACTSABOUTMEPART2 here.

"The optimist sees the donut, the pessimist sees the hole." 

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