So tmr's Mondayy, & I know most of you would be feeling like this..
HAHAHAHA. With all the waking up early & hw that has to be rushed, that's what I would feel every other Sundays.. that is except for todayy! YAYY! That's cause a group of exchange students from China will be coming to YJ andandanddd I'M GONNA BE ONE OF THEIR BUDDIES WOOOOOOO~ it's gonna be so damn fun!!
Me and the derp Woeiting decided to volunteer for this exchange program during Chinese lesson cause it sounds super interesting! I mean its like our first time and all. HAHAHAHAA recently we have been volunteering for ALOT ALOT of random and wierd events! cause it's these crazy ideas that make life interesting don't they? ;) Anyway JC life is kinda boring.. plus I thought that teachers might be more 'merciful' since there are guests in class (I hope) hehee~ maybe I would be able to get away from not doing my homework.. muahahahah OKAY MAYBE NOT.
Anyways, i was hesistating bout taking part in this cause as many of you know, my chinese is really not very good, SO I PRAY THAT MY BUDD KNOWS HOW TO SPEAK IN ENGLISH. Butbut my Chinese cher assured me that the students are from a very renowned school in China called Ningbo smth smth & that the people there are very 'atas' & smart onee SO DON'T PLAY PLAY HORH.
Being the ever-so-free Mabel Shu, I went to research research abit and this school is really damn chioooo can!! :')
WOAHHHHHH won't it be great studying here?!
HAHAHAA nonetheless, I hope that my budd's a friendly & nice person! I was told her name but I kinda forgotten it already :3 AND MY CHINESE CHER CHEATED MY FEELINGS!! She said she'll assign to me a shuaige.. (which I know its not possible la LOLL) </3
HAHAH I'll be posting about this when it all ends! So yeshh wish me goodluck okay!!
PS. I watched Pacific Rim today & it is a damn cool movie so go watch it peeps!! You won't regret it!!
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