As some of you may know, I went to Japan for the past 10 days!!!
It's like a school overseas trip for the student leaders and esp kids yayyyy~
I was actually pretty hesitant on whether to go or not cause I was afraid it'll be awkward and all cause I don't really know the SLs well ): Secondly, being such a picky-about-food woman, I didn't want to starve or be forced to swallow the greenies noooo ):< And lastly, TNEO. YES TNEO. I don't like her one bit LOL with all her nonsensical and unreasonable scoldings and screaming and what not HAHAHA cannot tahan tsk. BUT I decided to just deal with it and have fun!! Plus, Woeiting Nazri Syafiq HowYi JingHong and Daphne wanted to go to SO WHY NOT hahahahaa.
SO, before the trip, I was excited and nervous cause I really didn't know what to expect. Preparation for the skit and dance were kinda fun though! There was gonna be a mini ceremony later on in Japan to thank the homestay families so we had to prepare something! Fashion show + NS skit + dance TADAAA~ Guess what's my role in the NS skit? HOT GIRL. SIALAAA HAHHAHAHA! Okay so there's this section of the play where the 4 NS guys were walking together and then suddenly this sexy lady, yours truly, walks pass and they're like woahhhh *stares until forever* kind of thing HAHAA. And it turns out that she was actually the ex of one of the guys. THEN FLASHBACK to the day when they first enlisted into army, where she dumped him straight in the face LOL cause she was seeing someone else HAHA BITCHHH >:) When I read the script I was like ROFL SO FUNNY!! SADLY, that part of the play was taken out cause APPARENTLY, Tneo thinks having a girlfriend is irrelevant to NS so I just got cut out like that... TSK OHWELLS. Then there's the dance, which everyone needs to take part in! It's really cute, with all the songs of different races! THANKS KIERAN FOR BEING MY DANCE PARTNER! :)
So the day before the trip, was the day that I started packing #mabelproblems . Packed and packed and packed~ When I was finally done, I tried lifting my luggage AND DAMN IT SURE WAS HEAVY. Was a little panicky in case it's overweight or something cause the stuffs I brought, WERE ALREADY THE MINIMUM OF THE MINIMUM ): PLUS I knew I was going to buy loads of stuffs from Japan... But whatever, I thought would just fix it when the time comes :>
Oh and this post is gonna be kinda longgg so yeah...
•• DAY 0/1 : 10 11 november 2013 ••
Had to gather at 615PM at the airport T1! Before that, ate dinner with the family. Actually wanted to eat at Astons / The Soup Restaurant yummyyyy BUT BUT sadly, their queues were like wtssssss. Not to mention, it was 30 minutes to 615pm SO WE HAD NO CHOICE but to eat at KFC... SIGHS. Went to the assembly place and WOW that place felt like it was owned by YJ LOL. Saw my friends who went to send me off awwww :') THANKS GUYS ♥♥ They even bought me alot of snacks in case I don't eat Jap's food and get hungry awwwwwwwww love you guys!! :') oh yeah and they had this board with my name and FACE on it LOL luckily it's not too big HAHA. OHYA and plus Jiajun who's not in this pic!
After all the sad farewells~ At the boarding gate!
On the right is Zhengyi aka Corn! She's my group 4 budday :)
OHYA and 1 funny thing happened in the plane. IDK WHY BUT THE CREW SAID I'M ALLERGIC TO TUNA?!?!!! Kay at first one of the pretty air stewardess came to me and asked if I ordered special meal. So I thought she came to the wrong person and I said no I didn't. Then she became panicky and went around to check. Suddenly a bunch of the stewards/stewardess questioned me one after another LOL LOL. Even showed me a list of all passengers and pointed to my name which wrote 'allergic to tuna' beside HAHAHHA WTSSS. Initially I kept telling them no no no. But then I was like FORGET IT YES YES I'M ALLERGIC TO TUNA I'M ALLERGIC TO TUNA. Hahahaha sho funny eh what if they type wrongly and it's the person in front of me whose allergic to it and have food poisoning later HAHA CHOI TOUCHWOOD. :3 But anyways that doesn't really matter cause I don't eat tuna HAHAHAHAHAHA. But what sucks is that you know for normal passengers they'll allow you to choose from 2 meal options? I DON'T HAVE THAT. TSK. And because of the tuna thing they don't serve me fish ): ME LIKE FISH ): HEHEHE thennn after 8 hours of Glee, Monsters U, Epic, and some sleep, WE FINALLY REACHED JAPAN YAYYYY!
Thanks Dan for the cookies so nice of youuu it was awesomeee!
What a sweet sweet couple :')
The moment I stepped out of the Kansai airport, I was a little annoyed cause IT WASN'T COLD. I mean it's cold and everything but not THAT cold as I thought it would be... so I BRING THE WINTER JACKET FOR WHAT?!! Take up so much space in my luggage... Plus it's weight... OMGGG and for the rest of the trip, I didn't even touch that thick bulky winter jacket LOL tskkkk imagine how many more stuffs I can fit into my luggage with it gone mannn MY OPPORTUNITY COST </3 At first I just held on to the winter jacket UNTIL that Tneo chided me with her annoying voice.. Anddd I didn't even bring any jackets like the thin kind which I can wear instead to show Tneo that I'm actually wearing enough layers so Woeiting lent me hers the next day hehehehee thanks thanks! :>
First stop, we went sightseeing at Osaka! TO THE OSAKA CASTLE!!! Hahahaha below are some pictures of that amazingly pretty place :)
These all the walls surrounding the castle super cool right omg just imagine living inside SO NICE. Ohya and there's also the river which can be seen on top to drown intruders who can't swim HAHAHAAH.
One of the 'buildings' in the castle!
Went to the top floor of this temple? I don't know if it's a temple or what hahahaha.
It's view is soooooooo beautiful! :')
Took a picture with these small boyboys HAHAHHAA THEY'RE SO CUTE WITH THEIR UNIFORM LOOK SO SMART OMGGG I felt so pedo then.
On our way to lunch!
Western food yippeee~ Alot of people were complaining cause it's like WE COME TO JAPAN TO EAT WESTERN FOOD WOW. HAHAHAHHA but I was actually glad cause I don't wanna be exposed to Japan's varieties of veges yet LOL YAY.
Next we're on our way to the Maishima Factory. When the bus drove us here, I was like WOAH WHAT'S THIS PLACE. I thought we're visiting some kind of art museum cause I was like clueless about the itinerary at first hehee! BUT IT TURNED OUT this place is actually an incineration plant!!! WOW. Btw an incineration plant is a factory where they burn all your waste and rubbish! Cool right, the designs of this building!
Train tracks!
At night, we checked into Hotel Kuramoto! It's some kind of a traditional hotel with the traditional kind of rooms with the traditional kind of sleeping on a mat known as tatami LOL. Was really eggcited!! Cause I've never done it before :>
First time sleeping on TATAMI MATS!! COMFY!
LOVE THE DINNER. There's fish and chicken omggg yesssss! Oh and their restaurant is also the traditional kind of restaurant, so we had to kneel down to eat! Initially I thought it was nothing, like really easy, UNTIL I TRIED IT.. OMG HOW DO JAP PEOPLE KNEEL FOR SO LONG?! After a few minutes I just went back normal sitting position hehehehe~
We even tried making our very own takoyaki!! HAHAA while others had octopus inside, mine was just.. plain LOL cause I don't eat octopus... Anyway, making takoyaki is really harder than it looks!!
And after dinner, was FACILITATION- SOMETHING I WAS TOTALLY NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO AT ALL. Sadly we have facilitation sessions EVERY NIGHT (except for homestay nights) which lasts for about 2 hours TWO LONG FREAKIN HOURS. What happens during facilitation is like everyone sharing what they have learnt and reflecting on ourselves and all... I know it sounds okay BUT NO. Okay so all 37 of us were split into 4 groups for like the whole trip and I was in GROUP 4 (group 4 rocks btw). JUST NICE we had 4 teachers, so 1 teacher-in-charge for each group. AND JUST NICE Tneo's in my group... WOW SO FUN RIGHT IKR. Lol so during facilitation sessions everyone's seperated into their groups. And the thing is, Tneo wanted everyone to share! What's worse, EVERYTHING EACH OF MY GROUP MEMBERS SAID WERE SO PROFOUND SO CHIM... It made me feel like whatever I said are for kids... LOL so everytime I had to come up with something more chim WHICH I FAILED TERRIBLY AT. TSK. So that's facilitation, yeah ):
•• DAY 2 : 12 november 2013 ••
Visiting Japanese schools day!! Was really looking forward to it!! Cause you know.. :> HOT GUYS WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO! AND IN HOT UNIFORMS HAHAHAHHAA so we went to Osaka City Senior High School! Via public trains btw. Hmmm their trains are like Singapore's one I guess! Just a little less spacious HAHAHAA. But it was pretty scary though cause it was during peak hours and everyone were like rushing and charging towards me!!! Plus we're all like LOST SHEEPS.
So here's some friends that I've made! And I realised Jap girls are REALLY REALLY shy like really shy!
Oh and this girl, I think she's damnnnnnnnnnn pretty!!! Jinghong said so too heheheh! She had a cold though that's why the mask ):
Next, we went to the Entrepreneurial Museum of Challenge and Innovation. It's basically a museum where they showcase Japanese entrepreneurs who invented new stuffs and made Japan proud hahahaaa. I didn't take any pictures there cause the whole time I was dozing off LOL I swear I could even sleep standing!!!! Everyone felt the same trust me. But it's cool to see the inventors of Cup Noodles and Pocky!
Afterwards, we were supposed to visit the Meiji Factory but didn't! Was a little disappointed cause I LOVE MEIJI and thought that maybe I could buy some real Meiji stuff! BUT IT WAS OKAY cause they changed it to shopping time instead HAHAHAHA YAYYYYYY. So we checked into Hearton Hotel and dinner and then free and easy shopping time at that area!!
The bad thing about this hotel is that they only made wifi available in their lobby ): So the below pictures are just a few of us folding cranes in the lobby while surfing the net! Oh and the folding cranes thing was cause we're supposed to fold 1000 cranes for our visit to Hiroshima in memory of Sadako!
The shopping street!! We didn't manage to finish walking to the end cause we're always caught up at every store HAHAHAA.
And lastly, not forgetting facilitation LOL. OH and my roommates were Melissa and Alicia!! BEST ROOMMATES EVER LOVE YOU GUYSSSS! ♥
•• DAY 3 : 13 november 2013 ••
Looooong bus ride to Kyoto! And of course, first stop's to see the hotties at Kyoto Saikyo Senior High School :> Hmmmm I would say this school is more 'developed' and well-off than the previous! The principal said that it's something like an elite school woahhhh~ Then we played 2 sessions of games and they were really really fun!!! AND AND AND I SAW A FEW HOT GUYS THERE! DAMN HOT. One of them was Bryan's buddy... I jelly ley! I mean his smile was reallyyyyyy so radiant omg ):
My first buddy! She's really nice AND DAMN SMART! Her english's not bad SO WE WON THE CHALLENGE >:) HI5! Hahahahaa YAY.
Then here's my buddy for the second session. Wow that time I really laughed like there was no tomorrow man HE IS TOO FUNNY TOO FUNNY I CANNOT TAHAN HAHAHAHAHAA. There was once I asked him what he was wearing inside cause the blue underneath was pretty obvious. Then he just pulled up his uniform just like that hahahahaha that scene was damn funny!!! AND many girls kept calling out to him and for each girl I asked him if she was his girlfriend. For the first girl, he said 'she's not cute enough' and for the second 'she's not pretty I don't like' HAHAHAHAHA DAMN FUNNY in the end he just said 'EVERY WOMEN IS MY GIRLFRIEND' omgggggg ahhhhhhhhhhhh IT WAS SOSOSO FUN :')
Awww gonna miss him! But they all had to go back for lessons so goodbyeee ):
Lunch was at their canteen! We were eating with some of the students to know them better cause they'll be visiting YJC next year in March! It's so cute that each and everyone of them brought their bento or whatever you call them to school! SO NICE why YJ no do this! Oh and the guy in the centre, he's the leader of the whole group visiting us next year wow wow good job, gambatte! :)
Kiyomizu Temple! I did some fortune telling thing and the results were so... WEIRD HAHAHAHA. It said that I was going to have a nice baby soon?!! ERMMM NO hahahaaa BUTBUT it also said that overall it's really good! YESHHH~ Fun experience! Just beside the temple was Higashiyama, a shopping street! GREEN TEA WAS SOLD EVERYWHERE. Green tea icecream, green tea crackers, green tea sweets, EVERYTHING! I don't like green tea so... nothing to buy really ): just lots of food for my friends!
I super love the autumn trees!!
If you look closely, you can see Nazri and gang in the picture!
Women wearing kimonos!! So prettayyyyy!!! Didn't have a chance to wear kinomo sad sad saddd.
Had dinner at some restaurant AND I TELL YOU IT SUCKS TO THE MAX. Not because the food sucks (okay maybe it does) but the main thing was that Tneo was sitting next next to me!! On the same table!!!!!!!! UNLUCKILY FOR ME, that dinner was filled with vegetables like really the only thing I could eat was the chawanmushi, a small piece of fish tempura, and rice. THE OTHER 90% WERE PURE VEGE AND TOFU. All these wouldn't matter IF TNEO DIDN'T FORCE EVERYONE AROUND HER TO FINISH THEIR FOOD. HOUMYGOD. So I just had to eat everything.. That time I seriously felt like puking... How can anyone like to eat those stuffs?!?!!??! Pumpkin, lotus, pickles, broccoli etc. I SIMPLY DON'T UNDERSTAND. But of course I didn't eat EVERYTHING if not I wouldn't be here I would have died there LOL. When Tneo was not looking, I would quickly asked the waitress to clear my plates HAHAHAHAH. But the veges just kept coming and coming cause dinner was served like course by course kind. ): So in the end I REALLY CANNOT STAND IT ALREADY I stuffed the last and final dunno what into my mouth and went to the toilet to pui it all out omgggggggggg it's so unpleasant... ):< Oh but thanks Jiayi and Zhengyi for helping me eat one of the stuffs :')
Arrived back at the hotel after that horrible dinner urghhhh after that dinner I learnt a lesson: NEVER SIT NEAR TNEO DURING MEALS.
•• DAY 4 : 14 november 2013 ••
3 hour ride to Nagoya! I LOVE LONG BUS RIDES you can do anything like sleep eat chat take pictures SO FUN!
Stopover for toilets and snacks!
Selfie with sleeping Shiwei!
Had a good sleep but was woken up by Zhengyi saying that we have reached JTB haish I WANTED TO SLEEP MOREEEEE. Anyway JTB is a travel agency, so we went there to find out more about their business strategy and stuff & IT WAS SO BORING SO SLEEPY... Went to Toyota Museum after that and it was way betterrrr at least there wasn't long talks but really chio cars! The cars in the past were really damn huge O:
This for me, is the nicest car HAHAHAHA SO ELEGANT!!!! Roosevelt's car ley don't play play.
3 seater car so cool!
That's the symbol of Toyota I think... It's 'Toyota' in japanese COOL RIGHT
This car looks like a face LOL.
Me and Woeiting laughed so hard at this cause of it's name HAHAHA FLYING FEATHER.
Toyota Prius!
Crazy Woeiting HAHAHAHAH!
Saw this kid awwwwwww so cuteeeee! Sorry I just had to take pictures of him >:)
So that's the end! Nice right! I like how all the old cars have spacious and comfortable seats. When I went there I so much wanted to climb into one of the cars to take a nap LOL. THENNN as usual we checked into another hotel but the fun-est part was that it was free and easy dinner!!! We were all given 15000 yen to have our own dinner at a nearby shopping centre and have some shopping afterwards! 15000 yen is about S$20? HEHEHH. Had ramen with a few of my friends and it sucked. Cause I didn't even know what I was ordering LOL EVERYTHING'S IN JAPANESE, not tourist-friendly ley ):
Tried Macdonalds too! I made it 'compulsory' to try the MacDs of all countries I go to HAHAHAHAA. I didn't know what to order cause once again everything's jap~
Ohya and their fries were not bad! I think it's nicer than Singapore's one HAHAHAHA
After facilitation, I needed to attend another meeting with Ms Tneo, Ms Mak, and a few others cause I was going to be the assistant day IC for the next day HAHA. So my job's to assist the day IC in planning like the routes, ensuring everyone's safety and everything >:) Pretty nerve-wrecking and KINDA AWKWARD at first cause I had to announce and talk to the whole crowd of peeps... Oh and during that meeting was the first time I heard Tneo laughed so much LOL everyone were saying atrocious and retarded stuffs. I THINK MS TNEO AND MS MAK ARE SO CUTE AND FUNNY TOGETHER ahahaaha their convos are always so weird and funny! When they laugh like crazy together, it's just PLAIN CRAZY HAHA. Went into some room after that to see the NS skit rehearsal! LAUGHED OUR HEARTS OUT because people kept doing wrong silly things HAHAHAHA. Took many many many videos of them but they can't seem to load here! Miss acting with them ):
My angel gave this chocolate heart-shaped muffin to me hehe thankyouuu :D fyi we were playing the angel-mortal game for the whole of this trip!
My crazy roommate Alisha!!
Omggg why is this post so long?!?!?!?!?!?! I feel like I have written this for years but I'm still at Day 5?!!!?!!?! WOAH.
•• DAY 5 : 15 november 2013 ••
Firstly, we visited Menikon, a contact lenses company!! It was boring too cause of that long long talk WHICH of course I fell asleep to HAHHAAAH OPPSSS. But their flat lenses case thing is so cool I've never seen anything like that!
MEIDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEXT YIPPPPEEEE!! Our teachers were so nervous bout this school they wore super formally and even told us to LOOK NICE hahahaha I think it's cause this school is a very famous atas school LOL. Oh and it''s a sport school with very high standards of education! The interaction with their students and our tour around were so exciting!!!
A teacher was going around each group to take a picture, then this picture will be printed out on some special paper! Then it'll be ironed on plain white shirts that were given to us! COOL SHIT SO FUN.
Naz ironing!
Meet Momoka, my cousin's doppelganger. HAHAHAA SHE'S VERY CUTE Nazri was getting all excited over her LOL! And she's very fair PAPER WHITE FAIR.
Quiet Yuto is quiet~
Below is Kenya, the joker of the group HAHAHAA I'm like currently chatting with him via LINE so hilarious!!
Charming Yuta Ban! HAHAHAHAHA
Went to see some chearleading too! SEXAYYY~
Kieran and Howyi popular with da gals yo >:)
Kendo too!! Kendo's so scary!! With all the screamings and bashings LOL. I have a video (which can't be uploaded) of the twins trying out Kendo. KENNETH'S ATTEMPT WAS DA BEST. He was asked to hit that guy's stomach area with the wooden stick thing BUT... I KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT'S COMING HAHAHAHAHA yes he went to hit that guy's ---- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA AND I RECORDED IT DOWN HAHAHAHAAH WELL DONE KENNETH it was so funny the whole room was filled with laughter!! Except for that guy of course HAHAHAHAHA.
See that guy in purple, HE IS SO HOT. You can't see it here, BUT HE'S REALLY DAMN COOL :>
SUMO!!!!!!!!! WAH I WAS SO EXCITED CAUSE I'VE NEVER SEEN ONE SO UP CLOSE BEFORE OMG. They're all really quite big in size and also tall!! And the way the fight it's also so scaryyyy damn rough! Shook hands with them HAHAHAHA COOL ONLY.
I WAS SO SHOCKED BY THAT. PRO!!! Btw everyone there are all aged from 15 to 18!!
Took a quick picture with Yuta and his friends before rushing to the bus hehehehe they're so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :')
FYI the cheerleading, kendo and sumo are the CCAs of Meiden!
On our way in the coach to the homestay centre place to meet our homestay families!! ♥
•• DAY 6 : 16 november 2013 ••
HOMESTAY DAY!! Felt a little anxious cause I didn't know what kind of people I will be living with. But everything went pretty well!! My homestay family were 2 middle-aged couple and a 28 year old son! Even though I was disappointed A LITTLE cause there wasn't any hot guy or kids, IT'S OKAY cause they're really veryyyyy warm people!! :D & BTW SARAH'S MY HOMESTAY BUDD!
They lived in a traditional kind of house so everything's wood! It's pretty :) So fascinated cause it's also my first time stepping into such kind of houses! We also slept on tatami mats like the ones in the first hotel, just that this one is so much more comfy!
Had 2 dogs! I didn't really touch them or anything cause THEY'RE SO FIERCE later they bite me..
Oh and this family is damn rich! They have 5 garages with 5 cars LOL, and all of them are of pretty good well known brands wah! It's like every family member has their own car SO GOOD me want too!!
This is our room! Btw those aren't the wardrobes or anything LOL. The 4 walls of the room are sliding doors! And for Japanese, they are to always close the doors behind them BUT I KEPT FORGETTING. I would just slide open the door, step into the room, and just lie openly on the floor hahaa. Then the mom would come to me and say "Me-chan, close the door!" heehhhehh :> oh & they call me Me-chan cause they couldn't seem to pronounce Mabel or May so I asked them to call me Me instead HAHAHAA.
LOL the light.
They served us icecream!! Was finding for Cookies & Cream but they don't have it ): Vanilla's cool too!
That night, we ate hmmm... I don't know what it's called it's like Seoul Garden style! Cooked beef with some special sauce, then dip it into raw egg O:< When the dad told me to do that, I was like WHAT YOU SERIOUS BRO?!! RAW EGG AIYOOO. HAHAHA but I tried it and hesitantly put that piece of beef into my mouth... OISHI!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG DAMN NICE CAN'T BELIEVE IT. And even better, eating it with rice OMG JAP RICE ARE THE BEST. But soon after the mom took out a basket of vegetables nooooooooooo. Hahaa then I told them I don't eat vegetables at all AND THEY WERE SO SHOCKED. Then the dad so funny he kept persuading me to try vege by saying stuff like Jap vegetables are nice Singapore's are not and that my mom will be angry and hit my butt if I don't eat vegetables HAHAA CUTE! But they're so nice, they didn't force me or anything hehee :> After dinner we all went into the computer room or smth to plan out what we're doing the next day! And the dad and mom are such a sweet couple even though they're so old already awwww :')
NEXT MORNING, the whole family plus Sarah and I went to Takamaya and a folk village! It was a long long long ride of about 2-3 hours! So we stopped halfway to have some ice-cream and admire the view yay!
Picked up some leaves from the ground!
Eating icecream at such a weather is simply SHIOK.
TAKAMAYA! It's like a olden street with all the ancient houses and shops!
Was in some tea restaurant then I started pluckin the petals if the flower HEHH.
Oh and this is a library!! Like a real current one! DAMN COOL OMGGGG even the interior is also damn nice!!!
Feeding the swans ducks and fishes!! With this long weird styrofoam-like thing which can be teared into pieces!
We also made a wish! INTERESTING.
SUPERMARKET AFTER THAT to buy the ingredients for dinner, SUSHI!!!
That's the dad making wasabi! REAL DEAL NATURAL MADE-ON-THE-SPOT WASABI!! It's something like a plant thing then you have to grind it! And it's SUPER spicy and strong LOL.
And and, knowing that I wouldn't be eating much of the sushi and that I'm a fan of jap curry, the dad specially made a mini pot of curry for me AWWWWW!!! ARIGATOU ARIGATOU!
But but why my videos here so blur one ):<
That was the last night there )': Sarah and I gave the family TWG tea and packets of dried mangoes to thank them for all their care ♥ Was shocked when they themselves gave us gifts too omgg. They even wrote us letters :') WILL SURELY MISS THEM!! And the school should have given us more homestay days tsk! 1 day 2 nights are so short!! Still, thankyou to the homestay family for all your care :)
•• DAY 7 : 17 november 2013 ••
Off to the centre for our farewell tea party!! This is where all our rehearsals will pay off! Every homestay famililes were invited for this ceremony!
Kawaii Nicole and Jean!
HEHEE food replica workshop after where we tried making our own food replica!! Like you know outside every Jap restaurant they have a display of those fake food which look damn real?! YEAP.
Laughed so hard at this hahahahaa they really damn cute together!!!!!
HAHAHAHAA then Ms Mak was denying that she has a double chin LOL SO CUTEEE.
On the bus ride home, the nice driver played for us movies aww thankyou!!!! :D
•• DAY 8 : 18 november 2013 ••
LAST DAY IN JAPAN!!!! ): Actually it's the second last, but the next day will be spent at the airport so yeahh..
Took the bullet train to Hiroshima! If you don't know, Hiroshima's the place which was bombed with the atomic bond during WW2! I THINK... LOL MY HISTORY HAS NEVER BEEN TOO GOOD. Anyways, the bullet train is damn cool! You get to turn the chair 180 degrees to face your friends behind you FUN FUN. And a ticket is very ex! Ms Mak said one is about S$300? WOAHH~ The ride took about 1 hour plus, so I helped out with the stringing of the 1000 cranes in the train!
My special rainbow cranes HEHE!
Reached Hiroshima museum!
Letters of protest from the Jap government to the rest of the world to stop nuclear production.
Cranes folded by Sadako! They really damn beautiful :') Sadako is a Jap girl who got exposed to the atomic bomb and suffered from its effects when she grew older. Legend says that when you fold 1000 cranes, it'll grant you a wish, so Sadako did just that, wishing that she'll recover. Even though she died after that, people still believed in it and folded 1000 cranes everytime they visit Hiroshima in memory of her :')
Below's her story, not sure if it's clear enough though!
Saddening isn't it ):
Some of the cranes folded by visitors from all around the world!
Syafiq, our crane IC, doing the honour of hanging our 1000 cranes!! THANK SYAF FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK :)
The flame that will only stop burning when all nuclear production in the world are stopped COOL OR WHAT.
So that was the Hiroshima Peace Museum :)
Saw these sexy Christmas costumes in a supermarket HAHAHAAA WHO WANT WHO WANT.
Deers were roaming freely everywhere on that island! SO CUTE! WAIT, are they deers? I THINK THEY ARE I DON'T KNOW HAHAHHA
Went to check my fortune again AND IT WAS GOOD YAY!!
That night was the best!! Facilitation was until like 2am? Had some kind of prize presentation ceremony! SO FUNNNN. Presented a trophy thing to my mortal WOOHOOOO cause she MODELED THE WAY. :> OHYA AND MY MORTALS WERE Melissa and Haoyi! HAHAA for the whole trip I showered them with Pocky! THE POCKY THERE IN JAP ARE SO CUTE!! Damn alot of flavours! HEHE.
AND AND my pretty and handsome angels were Alisha and Syafiq! Hehehe thanks for the gifts guys :) Because facilitation ended so late, the teachers decided to not have a LIGHTSOUT timing YAYYY!!!!!! Went to another room and GOSSIP GOSSIP TALK TALK with Jean, Pin, and Nicole!!
IT WAS INTERESTING >:) HAHAHAHAA but had to return to my room to PACK. Seriously stuffed everything into my luggage HAHAHAA I had to sit on the luggage to zip it LOL. BUT IT WAS A FUN NIGHT :)
•• DAY 9 : 19 november 2013 ••
AIRPORT DAY. Wore the Meiden High shirt!! :')
I look so cui here tsk!!
Handsome thai guy MUAHAHAAA.
HAHAHAHAHA anyways thankyou to everyone who went!!! For making this trip such an AWESOME one!! LOVE YOU GUYSSS WILL MISS YOU ALL must keep in touch okay :) ♥♥ Oh and through this trip, I found out that Tneo's not too bad after all HAHAA except for when she scolds people. :>